In this assignment, you will present the results of your Composition in Two Genres assignment.
In addition, you will need to include a written Statement of Goals and Choices (SOGC) for each of the compositions you submitted for the previous assignment. Keep in mind; you can draw on what you’ve already written in the last assignment. Your rationale and reflection should contain much of the information that you need.
The purpose of the SOGC is to express your intentions for each text and the specific choices that you made to best reach your audience and achieve your goals. In short, you need to describe and defend the rhetorical choices you make and show how those choices are aligned with your purpose and audience.
The SOGC should address the following points/questions:
- Describe your goals for this project. What, specifically, is this piece trying to accomplish–above and beyond satisfying the minimum requirements outlined in the task description? In other words, what work does this piece do? For whom? In what contexts?
- What specific rhetorical, material, methodological, and technological choices did you make in service of accomplishing the above goal(s)? For example, if you’re trying to reach homeless mothers and fathers with information about free vaccinations for their children, you probably wouldn’t use a web based platform to distribute information. A better choice might be a flyer that could be posted in shelters, schools, community centers, clinics, supermarkets etc.
- Also, you should document choices that you might not have consciously made. Choices made for you when you opted to work with certain genres, materials, and technologies. Referring back to our vaccination flyer, think about the limits a flyer imposes on the information you can offer. Or, maybe you originally envisioned a highly graphic colorful flyer which is free to produce digitally, but expensive to print. That might lead into a simpler black and white text version of your original idea.
- Why did you end up pursuing this plan as opposed to the others you may have come up with? What about the genres you chose made them better suited to your purpose and to communicate to the specific audience you envisioned for the composition.
- Detail the process behind each composition. Was there anything you needed to learn to accomplish the compositions? Did you do any research into how to compose in these genres? What resources did you access in order to produce successfully in each genre? What writing skills did you use during the course of this project?
The SOGC can be written in essay form or Q&A. There’s no specific word count, but you should fully address the above questions. The answers to these questions will help you determine the best information to convey to the class in your presentation.
In the presentation of the Composition in Two Genres assignment you must:
- Show two different compositions.
- Explain your goals for each composition. What did you hope to accomplish?
- Explain the choices you made with regard to genre and design. Why did you choose the genre? Why is this the best choice for your audience? Why does it look and/or read the way it does? Why did you include (or not include) images or certain language?
- Talk about one genre or idea that you considered and discarded, and explain why.
Your presentation should last between 10 and 15 minutes. You may choose to compose a visual presentation (slides/Prezi) to accompany your images that helps you remember all the information you need to include. Slides and other visuals help both presenter and audience stay focused during oral presentations. They also help you manage time while speaking.
If you’d rather just speak while showing your images, you can do that. But make sure you have some prompts to guide you through the content. Presentations can be nerve-wracking! It’s easy to forget things that you meant to say. Finally, don’t read your presentation! If you choose notes, you need to practice. Make sure you’re familiar with the material before you need to deliver it.