Post-Essay Reflection 

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    Sarah Aly

    Sarah Aly

    The different things that I have incorporated throughout my research paper about Mental Health it was more directed towards college students, the different services that were there to offer. The idea that certain amount of people would be benefiting from the sources that are there to be offered.  The different process that I had went through when writing this paper and the specific audiences that I will be focusing on would be college students. That would be benefiting the most from my research that I have conducted. When writing this research paper there was the different information that I have gathered throughout my research that had helped me furthermore understand my research question. When conducting my research, I had found survey that there are numerous amounts of college students that may be dealing with mental health and not even know about it.

    My specific audience that I will be looking at is college students and how their point of view towards the topic and how this topic will mainly benefit them. They would be college students that are dealing with different obstacles that may not realize that they are dealing with mental health. The idea that mental health should be focused on more in colleges then ignored.

    I have learned had opened my eyes about the different branches of mental health that are there. There are so many people who do not know what available sources there for them are so that they can learn about the people that they can go too. Even if there is somewhere, they can deal with what they are going through. This topic was not as easy to research about or even write about because of the different things that I have learned about that some people have to go through on the daily bases without even having someone as guidance that they can go too.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Sarah Aly.
    • This topic was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Sarah Aly.

    When re-writing your reflection, remember to proof-read before submitting. Make sure not to repeat yourself. Write more about your process of researching and writing. Your last paragraph has some really good points on what you’ve learned and why the essay was difficult.

    Tom Peele

    Nice start, Sarah. Remember that the reflection itself should be aimed a particular audience. Think expansively as you revise. Consider the main points on the writing prompt–brainstorming, peer review, research, drafting, and synthesis–and make sure you provide examples from your work that illustrate that points you want to make about them.

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